To be honest and sincere
To listen and respect others
To rejoice in all that is beautiful and give joy to others
To be thoughtful and helpful
To share
To choose to the best of our abilities and to commit ourselves
To protect nature and respect life
To face difficulties with confidence
En scout söker sin tro och respekterar andras
A Scout seeks his own belief and respects others'
En scout är ärlig och pålitlig.
A Scout is honest and trustworthy.
En scout är vänlig och hjälpsam.
A Scout is friendly and helpful.
En scout visar hänsyn och är en god kamrat.
A Scout is considerate and a good companion.
En scout möter svårigheter med gott humör.
A Scout overcomes difficulties in a good mood.
En scout lär känna och vårdar naturen.
A Scout learns to know and protects the Nature.
En scout känner ansvar för sig själv och andra.
A Scout accepts responsibility for herself/himself and others.
The Ideals of a Scout are
To respect others
To love and protect the environment
To be reliable
To build friendship across boundaries
To feel one’s responsibility and to take action
To develop oneself as a human being
To search for truth in life
A Scout is upright and always tells the truth.
A Scout does his/her duties to God, his/her Country and his/her fellow people.
A Scout helps whenever he/she can.
A Scout is a brother/sister to all Scouts.
A Scout is gentle with others, but strict to him/herself.
A Scout loves nature, is kind to animals and takes care of plants.
A Scout obeys his superiors willingly and wholeheartedly
A Scout is cheerful and considerate.
A Scout is thrifty.
A Scout is clean in body and soul
This is how the original Scout Law was translated in the Italian edition of "Scouting for Boys" (Scautismo per Ragazzi). Every association in Italy made its own version of the Scout Law, keeping the original spirit.
L'onore di uno Scout è di essere creduto.
A Scout's honour is to be trusted.
Lo Scout è fedele: al Re, alla Patria, ai suoi Capi, ai suoi genitori, ai suoi datori di lavoro e ai suoi
A Scout is loyal to the King, his country, his officers, his parents, his employers, and those under him.
Il dovere di uno Scout è di essere utile e aiutare gli altri.
A Scout's duty is to be useful and to help others.
Lo Scout è amico di tutti e fratello di ogni altro Scout, a prescindere dalla classe sociale di appartenenza.
A Scout is a friend to all, and a brother to every other Scout, no matter to what social class the other belongs.
Lo Scout è cortese.
A Scout is courteous.
Lo Scout è un amico per gli animali.
A Scout is a friend to animals.
Lo Scout ubbidisce agli ordini dei suoi genitori, del Capo Pattuglia o del suo Capo senza replicare.
A Scout obeys orders of his parents, patrol leader or Scoutmaster without question.
Lo Scout sorride e fischietta in tutte le difficoltà.
A Scout smiles and whistles under all difficulties.
Lo Scout è economo.
A Scout is thrifty.
Lo Scout è pulito nel pensiero, nella parola e
A Scout is faithful.
A Scout is friendly.
A Scout is courteous.
A Scout is kind.
A Scout is cheerful.
A Scout is thrifty.
A Scout is courageous.
A Scout is thankful.
A Scout is to be trusted
A Scout is loyal
A Scout makes friends, establishes and maintains harmonious relations
A Scout is disciplined and considerate
A Scout has courage in all difficulties.
A Guide is polite, considerate and respects her elders
A Guide is friendly and a sister to all Guides
A Guide is kind to all living things
A Guide is obedient
A Guide has courage and is cheerful in all difficulties
A Guide takes care of her own possessions and those of other people
A Guide is thrifty and diligent
A Guide is self-disciplined in what she thinks, says and does
A Scout is to be trusted.
A Scout is loyal.
A Scout is friendly and considerate.
A Scout belongs to the world-wide family of Scouts.
A Scout has courage in all difficulties.
A Scout makes good use of time and is careful of possessions and property.
A Scout has self-respect and respect for others.
A Scout is trustworthy
A Scout is loyal
A Scout is friendly and considerate
A Scout is brother to every other Scout
A Scout is courageous
A Scout is kind to animals
A Scout is cooperative
A Scout is cheerful
A Scout is thrifty
A Scout is clean in thought, word and deed
Traditional Chinese
Honest, Loyal and Respectful, Helpful, Love and Kind, Courteous, Just, Responsible, Cheerful, Prudent Courageous, Clean, Socially Responsible
A Scout is honorable, truthful and reliable.
A Scout is loyal to the Queen, his/her Country, his/her Parents, his/her Officers and to comrades high and low.
A Scout is helpful to others, whatever it may cost him/her.
A Scout is a friend to all and a brother/sister to all Scouts.
A Scout is courteous to all.
A Scout is kind to animals.
A Scout is obedient and follows orders from his/her Parents and Officers promptly.
A Scout is cheerful and takes trouble with a trusting grace.
A Scout is self-reliant and a good steward of his/her possessions.
A Scout is upright in his/her conduct.
Kenya Guide Law
A Guide’s honour is to be trusted
A Guide is loyal
A Guide’s duty is to be useful and to help others
A Guide is a friend to all and a sister to every other Guide
A Guide is polite and considerate
A Guide preserves and loves nature
A Guide is obedient and has respect for others
A Guide is courageous and is cheerful under all circumstances
A Guide is careful and avoids wastefulness
A Guide is pure in thought, word and deed
Boy Scouts of America (BSA)
The BSA's initial Scout Law was virtually identical to that of Britain's and was first adopted on July 9, 1910. This version steadily changed until August 1, 1911 when the BSA's Scout Law took its current form.[15]
A Scout is trustworthy,loyal,helpful,friendly,courteous,kind,obedient,cheerful,thrifty,
brave,clean, and reverent.