Age Groups

What age groups does VISG 88 work with?


The umbrella organisation, the Pfadfinderinnen und Pfadfinder Österreichs, offers four age levels:

Cubs and Brownies, Scouts and Guides, Caravelles and Explorers, Rangers and Rovers.


The Cubs and Brownies 7 - 10


Our youngest members are called Cubs and Brownies (aged 7-10).


The children in this group develop their young personalities through team work and projects, all within the framework of a playful environment.


The Scouts and Guides 10 - 13


The second age group is the Scouts and Guides (aged 10-13).


The Guides (girls) and Scouts (boys) assume responsibilities within a small team, learn to recognize their own qualities and contribute these to the group.


The adventures they enjoy such as camping and hiking are experiences which remain with them throughout life.


The Caravelles and Explorers 

13 - 16


Caravelles (girls) and Explorers (boys) aged 13-16 gather together in small groups that reflect their personal interests. Contributing their own ideas, these young people work more and more independently as they plan and implement their projects.